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5 Most effective ways to decrease your stress and anxiety


In simple words stress is unwanted pressure exerted on your mind. It may not the actual definition of stress but we can consider it for our convenience. 


In simple words anxiety is feeling of worry or nervousness. 

Here I will give you 5 Most effective ways to decrease your stress. Before that I want to give some reasons why stress and anxiety comes.

Reason of stress and anxiety:

There is no fix reason for stress and anxiety. But some reasons are given below 

  •                Due to extra workload.

  •                Due to family problems.

  •                 Due to overthinking.

  •                 Basically any type of problem 


5 Most effective ways to decrease your stress and anxiety


1] Take a bath

Taking a bath is a best way to decrease your stress and anxiety. Taking bath decreases your body temperature. Due to which your mind became relax and you will feel fresh. 

Because of this your brain works properly and you will feel better. You can use this method after reaching home from your workplace or college.

Note that: Water should neither cold nor hot. You should take bath using normal water.

2] Talk with your……

Wait a second, ‘why I type dot?’. Because you can talk with your friend, girlfriend, partner, wife, family member. Talk with them about your problem. 

Sharing your problems is a good thing and it will decrease your stress and anxiety. Trust me after talking with them you will feel better.

If you are not able to do above first method, then you can use this method to decrease your stress and anxiety.

Note that: I am not asking to take their advice to solve your problem.

3] Listen songs

This is also a useful way to decrease your stress and anxiety. Listening songs is better option to decrease your stress and anxiety as compared to taking bath. 

Because it is not always possible to take a bath every time to decrease your stress and anxiety. If you are not able to do above first two methods, then you can use this method at your workplace in free time.

Note that: It will depend which type of song you heard. I prefer you should listen love songs.

4] Do the thing which you like

While doing your favourite thing you will give your whole concentration on that thing. After completing that thing, you will feel better which will decrease your stress and anxiety.

While doing this method you will change your mind towards happiness because that thing is you favourite. If you are not able to do above first three methods, then you can use this method to decrease your stress and anxiety.

Note that: Make sure at that time people should not be disturb because of you.

5] Remember your funny memories

There must be funny memories in your mind which are happened with you or with your friend or you have read somewhere on social media.

Try to remember them one by one. When we will laugh on that memories you will feel better. If you are not able to do any of the above first four methods, then you can use this method to decrease your stress and anxiety.

Note that: Never use this method in public place. 


We can conclude that, above 5 Most effective ways to decrease your stress and anxiety are good. Above methods are in particular manner. 

As you come from method first to method fifth methods slightly get difficult to do at the time of stress and anxiety.

First is “Take a bath”. If you are not at home, then it is difficult to take a bath.

Second is “Talk with your……”. If you don’t want to talk with anyone about your problem, then you can go for third method “Listen songs”. 

It’s a very easy method in all five methods. If your mobile is dead, you cannot use this method. 

Fourth method is “Do the thing which you like”. As I already said that in note if you did something different at your work place or college then you may disturb people.

Fifth is “Remember your funny memories” this is the last method. But it is quite difficult to remember at the time of stress and anxiety.

I hope that, you have understood my opinion about 5 most effective ways to decrease your stress. 

If you didn't get my words then feel free to comment bellow, your opinions are much valuable for us.
Thank you.